Casale Pundarika - Riparbella (PI) - Tuscany - Italy

While staying at Casale Pundarika you won’t fail to notice the abundance of nature all around you and the pristine Mediterranean forest of the Tuscany Coast.

You can take this opportunity to disconnect from the day-to-day routine and re-connect with your true self. We can help enhance your experience with one of our local professionals trained in forest medicine. It is possible to organise single day baths (minimum is 2 hours) to several days personalised journeys.

But what exactly is Forest Bathing?

The term emerged in Japan in the 1980s as a physiological and psychological exercise called shinrin-yoku, the traditional Japanese practice of immersion in the atmosphere of the Forest. A profound adventure of communion with Nature engaging all the senses.

We do not usually allow Nature to penetrate us. By walking in Nature with greater awareness, we dissolve this automatic condition that keeps us away from the direct experience of Life in which we are immersed.

The first impact with the Forest Bath happens when, entering the forest, we perceive a change of energy. At this point the frenetic energy of the world stops, we realize that we are enveloped by a warm and humid breath of deep peace. It is at that moment that the Forest Bath begins…

Talk to Us!

Do you want to book a Forest Bathing session? We’ll be happy to talk to you and answer any question you might have.

On Request Activities

We can help you find a special activity for you

Forest Bathing

FOREST BATHING“An Eco-Antidote to Tech-Boom Burnout” (National Geographic) A Re-Connection While staying at Casale Pundarika…

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