Casale Pundarika - Riparbella (PI) - Tuscany - Italy
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Mediumship and Trance Healing

Corso di Medianità e Chiaroveggenza. Maggio 2018




Corso di Medianità e Chiaroveggenza con Lisa Odenhjälm, Carina Flood e Christina Ferm dal 12 al 19 Maggio 2018 in Toscana.
Una settimana dedicata all’apprendimento e alla sperimentazione della chiaroveggenza e della medianità. Il corso è in lingua inglese, di seguito i dettagli:

The programme offers:

This course combines mixed ability levels giving us the opportunity to work at your level.
The course will focus on giving students the opportunity to learn and have their own experiences in both clairvoyance and mediumship. We will use a combination of old and new techniques help you attain a high level of spiritual experience along with integrated personal development.
If you would like to bring your own cards we will help you to work with them in order to better understand Symbolic language and messages from the spiritual world. We will also give you training in how to present yourself as a medium if you wish to give readings.
There will be workshops with trance healing, trance communication, clairvoyance, meditation and mental mediumship.
Evening Events (optional)
Energy transformation to a higher level of divine energy.
Transfiguration and trance communication.

There will be time for quietly enjoying contemplation and personal time, time for sharing with other students and time for fun and celebration.
This is a very intimate and intensive course.

The cost of Skr6000/€610 includes all workshops, some evening events and private readings are optional and can be booked extra.

Accommodation and full board is €60/night/person in shared accommodation (max.3-4 person), accommodation in private apartment for 2 person €80/night/person.

This course will be led by three highly experienced instructors in Mediumship from the Swedish Medium School.
Teachings will be in English.

Lisa Odenhjälm
Cert. Mental medium, Lisa works to establish a high standard of quality and safety in readings. She is also an author and practitioner of white magic as well as leading mediumship courses in Sweden and abroad. Under her guidance you can increase your spiritual vibration and establish a whole and healthy functioning between mind, body and soul.

Carina Flood
Cert. medium and animal communicator, psychic medium and healer. She also works with trance healing.

Christina Ferm
Cert. Mentalmediumship, Trance medium and physical trance medium. She also has long experience in holding group séances.

From 12th to 19th of May 2018, starting Saturday 4pm, ending Saturday 1pm after lunch.

The cost of Skr6000/€610 includes all workshops, some evening events and private readings are optional and can be booked extra.

Accommodation and full board is €60/night/person in shared accommodation (max.3-4 person), accommodation in private apartment for 2 person €80/night/person, private apartment single use €110/night/person. Includes towels, bed sheets, three vegetarian/vegan meals and snacks during the day. Alcoholic drinks extra.

Your inscription is confirmed with a deposit of €170 (non returnable for cancellation within 8 weeks prior to event) with the balance to be paid by arrival.
Bank account of Casale Pundarika:
IBAN IT17P0347501605CC0011123792

Min. participants 10 people, max.20 people.
Inscriptions are required within 1st of March 2018.

Please send us an email to with full name and address or book directly on our website. We will send payment details for booking with the Mediumschool.